VIDEO: GARDEN Summer 2017

Taken in July 2017, this video highlights the Garden.

The garden has two sun lounges with a large sun umbrella for those who want to take in the rural surroundings.

The grapes, bougainvillea, lavender and thyme are thriving. The new fruit trees look like they are doing well, and the peach tree is fruiting although the birds are getting to it before I can. The bougainvillea, hibiscus and the roses are currently blooming.


The Garden June 2017

Some new shots that were taken in the Garden in May & June 2017. It’s an ever-changing landscape of flowers and plants blooming and growing.

The new fruit trees seem to be doing well, the palms are growing, the grapevine is producing fruit and the newly planted hibiscus keeps sharing its beauty with is with vibrant yellow flowers.

You can enjoy the garden on one of the sunbeds under a huge umbrella that will offer shade from the sun, or sit on one of the many little alcoves.

At night the garden is illuminated.